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Course Program Tuesday
Deutsche Flagge, Sprache Deutsch 

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Schedule Topics and Contents Lecturer
08:30 - 9:15 Occupational Safety Aspects in Genetic Engineering
- Occupational Safety Regulations
- Federal Immission Control Act
W. Pellnitz, Med.Dir. a.D.
Former Head of Abt. I C,
Berlin State Office of Health
and Social Affairs (LAGeSo)
09:15 - 11:00 Genetic Engineering Safety Regulation (GenTSV)
- Biosafety classification in laboratories, green houses
   and animal facilities
- Waste and waste water of genetic engineering facilities
- Responsibilities of the operator, the project leader and
   the biological safety officer
- Penalties
W. Pellnitz, Med.Dir. a.D.
Former Head of Abt. I C,
Berlin State Office of Health
and Social Affairs (LAGeSo)
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break
10:15 - 11:00 Other Federal Regulation Applying to Genetic Engineering
- Bioweapon Convention
- Infection Prevention Act
- Animal Epidemia Protection Act and Animal Infectious
   Agents Regulation
- Animal Protection Act
W. Pellnitz, Med.Dir. a.D.
Former Head of Abt. I C,
Berlin State Office of Health
and Social Affairs (LAGeSo)
11:00 - 11:45 Additional Regulations Applying to the
Genetic Engineering Facility

- Chemical hazards in the genetic engineering facility (GefStoffV)
- Radiation protection upon using radionuclide-labeled GMO (StrlSchV)
R. Geßner, MD, PhD
Deputy Director
Institut for Laboratory Medicine,
Pathobiochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
Universitätsklinikum Giessen-Marburg
11:45 - 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 - 14:30 Organizational Safety Measures, Processing
of Applications and Case Presentations

- Biological risk assessment and biosafety classification
- Announcement, registration and licensing of genetic engineering
   facilities and projects
- Access to and designation of genetic engineering facilities
- Disinfection directory, emergency plan and operating instruction
- Recording of experiments with GMO
- Surveillance of genetic engineering facilities
P. Witkowski, PhD
IC4, Head of Genetic
Engineering Unit, Berlin
State Office of Health and
Social Affairs (LAGeSo)
14:30 - 15:15 Risk assessment and biosafety classification
- Safety aspects when working with GMO
- Risk potential of common donor and acceptor organisms
- Risk potential of common cloning and expression systems
M. Kaspari, PhD
Federal Office of Consumer
Protection and Food Safety
(BVL), Berlin
15:15 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:15 Risk assessment and biosafety classification
- Biosafety classification of genetic engineering projects
   involving different organisms and vectors
- Biological safety measures
M. Kaspari, PhD
Federal Office of Consumer
Protection and Food Safety
(BVL), Berlin
16:15 - 17:00 Final discussion: case studies and trouble shooting
- Risk assessment of genetic engineering projects
- Practical applications using case studies that are either provided
   or may be proposed by the participants
R. Geßner, MD, PhD
P. Witkowski, PhD
M. Kaspari. PhD
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